Thursday, December 26, 2019
Who Are the Low Information Voters
Youve studied the issues and candidates for weeks, maybe even months or years. You know who believes what and why. Congratulations, your vote is very likely going to be canceled out by a low-information voter who has probably put very little effort into this all. If you are lucky, that voter will complement your vote. But with the press and mass entertainment industry against what you believe in, are you feeling lucky? The beloved low-information voters, as they are called, became a popular term for conservative activists following the 2008 election of Barack Obama. It popped up frequently during the 2012 election between Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney. While the phrase is often used jokingly, it is also a serious description of a very large group of people. Its probably the dominant type of voter in reality. But that is the world we live in. While the term might be viewed as being insulting to some voters, the reality is this segment poses a credible problem for Republican politicians. Who Are the Low Information Voters? The oft-talked about low-information voters are those people who have little interest in or understanding of political affairs, rarely watch the news, and cant name major political figures or national events and still make voting decisions on this limited knowledge basis. Low information voters can definitely be both Republican and Democratic voters, but Democratic outreach to these voters hit new heights in 2008. Typically, these are not highly-likely voters. Targeting these people in both 2008 led to a handsome victory for Obama in 2008. In 2007, the Pew Research Center found that among the voting age public, 31% didnt know that Dick Cheney was Vice-President and 34% couldnt name the Governor of their own state. Roughly 4 in 5 couldnt name the Secretary of Defense, and more than half didnt know that Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House, while only 15% knew who Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was. Now, not all of these people are voters. But they are the people who would be heavily tapped into in coming elections. Rise of the Low-Info Voter In reality, there have always been low information voters. But the 2008 and 2012 elections saw these segments targeted more than ever before. Through advances in social media, the Obama campaign sought to position Obama as a celebrity as much as a politician. There was very little interest in who Obama was, what positions he held, or what he had accomplished. Instead, the campaign focused mostly on his race and the historic nature of his presidential run and focused on building up his image in the way celebrities are built up. While the Democrats knew they would lock up traditional Democratic voters, they sought out a way to turn out those who were very unlikely to vote: the low-information voters. By giving people a celebrity to vote for -- and turning Obama into Mr. Cool -- many younger voters turned out who otherwise usually would not have. After election day 2008, pollster John Zogby was commissioned to do a poll of Obama voters immediately after they voted. The results were not impressive. While Obama voters overwhelmingly knew frivolous information about Sarah Palin such as the RNCs $150,000 wardrobe expenditures and about her daughters, they knew very little about Obama. By more than 2-1 they attributed an Obama quote about coal and energy prices to McCain, while most were unaware of the comment at all, despite it being a heavily debated topic during the campaign. A second poll by Wilson Research Strategies found similar results. McCain voters were overwhelmingly more likely to have greater general knowledge on most questions, the only questions Obama voters scored high on were frivolous, such as knowing that McCain couldnt say how many houses he owned. Obama voters also outscored McCain voters in the question about which candidate said they could see Russia from my house. (84% of Obama voters chose Palin, althoug h it was a Tina Fey skit on Saturday Night Live. Do Republicans Want the Low Information Voter Pie? In all likelihood, the number of high information voters is relatively low. The number of people who are interested in politics, watch news regularly, and stay updated on current events is likely outweighed by those who do not. These high-information voters tend to be older and more likely to have made up their mind on issues anyway. While many conservatives seem wary of going the celebrity route and trying to win on personality over policy, it almost seems an uphill climb. While the Democrats micro-target every possible sub-section of America, conservatives hope to have a breakthrough through logical discussion of issues. Needless to say, that didnt work out too well for Romney even as exit poll voters on election day said they thought he would be better at fixing things than Obama on most issues. (At the end of the day, they still voted for Obama anyway.) We already saw the change in the 2016 GOP presidential hopefuls. Marco Rubio showed his willingness to talk about his love of rap music while New Jersey Governor Chris Christie loved hitting the late night talk shows to grow his image. Social media, the entertainment culture, and self-celebritization are likely to become the norm. After all, how else do you reach low-information voters before your opponent does?
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
What is the Social contract theory Essay - 29901 Words
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze the social contract theory of John Locke and how the values identified are consistent with the criminal justice system and private security settings. Do these values and principles apply to both venues? †¢ What are the key principles associated with Locke’s social contract theory? †¢ How are these principle inculcated in the U.S. Bill of Rights? †¢ How do the principles play out in the criminal justice system and security settings? †¢ Describe freedom in relationship to personal rights and ethical standards and obligations. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze the social contract theory of John Locke and how the values identified are consistent with the†¦show more content†¦vWrite a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze the social contract theory of John Locke and how the values identified are consistent with the criminal justice system and private security settings. Do these values and principles apply to both venues? †¢ What are the key principles associated with Locke’s social contract theory? †¢ How are these principle inculcated in the U.S. Bill of Rights? †¢ How do the principles play out in the criminal justice system and security settings? †¢ Describe freedom in relationship to personal rights and ethical standards and obligations. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze the social contract theory of John Locke and how the values identified are consistent with the criminal justice system and private security settings. Do these values and principles apply to both venues? †¢ What are the key principles associated with Locke’s social contract theory? †¢ How are these principle inculcated in the U.S. Bill of Rights? †¢ How do the principles play out in the criminal justice system and security settings? †¢ Describe freedom in relationship to personal rights and ethical standards and obligations. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze the social contract theory of John Locke and how the values identified are consistent with the criminal justice system and private security settings. Do these values and principles apply to both venues? †¢ What are the key principles associated withShow MoreRelatedLife Without Laws And Regulations Essay879 Words  | 4 Pagesnature? The social contract would introduce and maintain a controlled society in which protects people’s rights to life, liberty and protection of ones property. John Rawls a modern philosopher carries on the social contract tradition alongside philosophers Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau developing his own theory of Justice that he states brings upon complete fairness and equality within society the theory of justice, developed in 1971 with the intentions to identify what seems toRead MoreThe Function of a Social Contract1676 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is the Function of a Social Contract? 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Taxation Egypt From Augustus To Diocletian â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Taxation Egypt From Augustus To Diocletian? Answer: Introducation The capital gain or loss that is incurred by an individual needs to be clearly understood in any given scenario to ascertain his or her financial position. In the presented scenario, in the past 1 year Eric has acquired a number of assets such as an antique vase, an antique chair, a painting, a home sound system, and shares in a listed company for different prices. And last week he has sold the same at specific rates. Based on the provided details in the question, the assets were with him for less than a year. As per theory, when a capital asset is sold, the difference between the cost price of the asset and the amount realized from the sale refers to capital gain or capital loss. The capital gain or capital loss can be classified into long-term or short-term based on the time period for which it was held by an individual. If an asset is held for more than 12 months or 1 year, the capital gain or loss is said to be long-term in nature (Andreas Markus, 2014). Whereas if the asset is held for one year or less than a year, the capital gain or loss can be termed as short-term in nature. In the presented situation, Eric has been holding the assets since the past 12 months so his net capital gain or net capital loss for the year would be short-term in nature (Barseghyan Coate, 2016). Classification of Erics assets The assets that Eric had in the last year can be categorized into two types namely assets that are intended for his personal use and collectibles. The assets that are intended for ones personal use are the ones that an individual purchases for his own satisfaction and happiness. Out of the assets that were previously acquired by Eric, the home sound system and the shares of the listed company belong to this asset category (Becker, 2015). Collectible can be defined as the asset of limited quantity but whose value is significant. Mostly it includes antiques. The assets that Eric previously possessed and sold in the past week like antique vase, antique chair, and painting can be categorized under collectibles. Thus in the given scenario, to arrive at the net capital gain or net capital loss of Eric, the sale proceeds have to be deducted from the capital value of the same. Assets Cost of Assets Capital Proceeds of Assets Difference Net Capital Gain/ (Net Capital Loss) Antique Vase 2,000 3,000 1,000 Gain Antique Chair 3,000 1,000 -2,000 Loss Painting 9,000 1,000 -8,000 Loss Home Sound System 12,000 11,000 -1,000 Loss Shares in listed company 5,000 20,000 15,000 Gain Total 31,000 36,000 Net Capital Gain/Loss 5,000 Total Net Capital Gain Hence Eric has had capital gain while selling the antique vase and shares of the listed company. The gain together comes to Rs 16,000 /- While selling the other assets like an antique chair, painting, and home sound system, he has incurred a loss of Rs (11,000) /-. Hence the net capital gain that he has gained after the sale process comes to Rs 5,000 /-. As per the tax laws, the assets for personal use have been sold for over $ 10,000, thus the taxability rules relating to capital gains will be charged on them. Similarly, each collectible item has been sold for over $ 500 so the taxability rules relating to capital gains will be charged (Becker, Reimer Rust, 2015). Calculation of Brians taxable value of the fringe benefits for the 2016/17 FBT year: In the given scenario, Brians employer has given him $ 1 million as a three-year loan at the special interest rate of 1% p.a. which is to be repaid on a monthly basis. This particular loan scheme comes under the scope of loan fringe benefits that an employee receives from an employer (Bernheim Scheuer, 2014). That is the reason the rate of interest that has been charged is lower than that of the current market loan interest rate. For the proper and accurate computation of Brians taxable value of the fringe benefit, the current statutory rate of interest needs to be taken into consideration (Brownlee, 2016). Since the particular loan was offered in 2016, April 1st, the applicable statutory interest rate would be 5.65%. In order to calculate the taxable value of Brians fringe benefits for 2016/17 FBT year, the following process will have to be followed. In the initial stage, the loan fringe benefit must be ascertained after eliminating the deductible rule. So the actual interest (i.e. at 1.00%) must be deducted from the statutory interest (i.e. at 5.65%). Interest value (statutory interest rate of 5.65%) = $10,00,000 * 5.65% = $ 56,500 Interest value (actual interest rate of 1.00%) = = $10,00,000 * 1.00% = $ 10,000 Thus the taxable value is the difference between the above two interest figures: $ 56,500 - $ 10,000 = $ 46,500 At this stage, Brian has to calculate the interest on the basis of the statutory interest rate i.e. 5.65%. He must assume that this arrived figure is the real interest amount that is payable by him. The interest value based on the statutory interest rate = $ 10,00,000 * 5.65% = $ 56,500 As per the question, Brian has utilized 40% of the borrowed funds for income-producing purposes and met all his obligations relating to the interest payments. So now he must calculate the tax-deductible interest expense. The hypothetical situation relating to statutory interest rate is considered: $ 56,500 * 40% = $ 22,600. Now Brian needs to ascertain the actual tax-deductible interest expense: $ 10,000 * 40% = $ 4,000. The actual tax-deductible interest expense calculated by Brian must be subtracted from the hypothetical value: $ 22,600 - $ 4,000 = $ 18,600 The final taxable value of the fringe benefits of Brian must be arrived at this stage by deducting the value of the 1st process by that of the 5th process: $ 46,500 - $ 18,600 = $ 27,900 If this interest value had to be paid by Brian at the time of the termination of the loan, instead of the monthly repayment scheme, then the specific period of the loan has to be assumed from the particular time when the interest would be payable or paid by him (Drautzburg Uhlig, 2015). If Brian would have no responsibility to repay the loan interest then the same computation model would be adopted but the interest rate would be considered as 0%. Allocation of loss on property for tax purposes In the particular property backdrop, Jack and Jill have borrowed some financial resources to rent and use it as joint tenants. As per the written agreement between the couple, Jack is eligible to receive 10% of the profits from the property whereas Jill is entitled to receive 90% of the profits from the property. As per the stated agreement, in case of loss, Jack has to bear the entire 100% of the loss (Griffith, Miller O'Connell, 2014). Thus last year when they have sustained a loss of $ 10,000, Jack has to bear the entire burden of such loss Jill will not be having any financial obligation towards this loss. This loss of Jack can be set off with the other forms of income of Jack so that he can determine his net profit or loss of the year. He has one more option in hand i.e. to carry forward the loss for the following years (Henneman, 2015). If the couple decides to sell off the property, the subsequent gain or loss from it would be available for them. In case there is a loss from the specific transaction, the same has to be incurred by Jack and he has the entire right to carry it forward in the future years or use it in the very year to ascertain his total net profit or loss. Similarly, in case of gain, the particular amount must be distributed between Jack and Jill in the exact proportion that has been stated in the written agreement (Jaimovich Rebelo, 2017). The ratio decided by the couple for sharing of profits is 1:9 where Jack receives one portion of the profits and Jill receives nine portions of the profit. Jack has the complete right and authority to set off the particular loss against the gain that they would earn by selling of the property. Thus it can be concluded that Jack is in a position where he has the authority to treat the loss from the property as per his convenience and need. He could set of this loss from the property if he would gain from selling the same (Piketty, Saez Stantcheva, 2014). If Jack has no gains in the current year then the loss must be borne by him while his wife would not have any obligation towards the loss from the property. The treatment of tax would be insignificant for Jill whereas Jack would have to record such loss in his books of accounts. Principle established inIRC v Duke of Westminster[1936] AC 1 The particular case relating to IRC v Duke of Westminster[1936] is a popular case that has come under limelight due to the particular tax avoidance situation. After referring the case, it can be clearly stated that every individual is righteously entitled to utilize his or her legal rights and benefits to help him minimize his tax that is attached to his total income earned during the year. In laymans language, it can be stated that if a person adopts fair and legal methods to reduce his total income value and thus reduce his tax value, the Commissioners of Inland Revenue have no power and authority to compel a taxpayer to pay a higher tax amount (Pomeranz, 2015). This particular model is applicable only when a taxpayer uses the fair and honest methods to reduce the amount of tax that is supposed to be paid by him. Fair tools and techniques must be adopted by him in order to reduce his gross income at the end of the year with the purpose to decrease his tax payable amount. The case is one of the best examples that add value to the taxation model and acts like a breath of fresh air for honest taxpayers. The particular legal case covers various areas including every person who adopts fair strategic methods to manage his books of accounts has the right to take legal assistance to decrease his total income value (Scheuer Werning, 2017). If the ethical and moral principals are in place and they have not been altered, the person cannot be forced to pay further tax in the process. The use of legal mode by the person strengthens his position in the eyes of the law. So no authority can question the validity of the persons method since he has the legal backing. When the particular case was stated in front of the judge, he stated that the effective use of the legal model by an individual to lower his income is a fair technique. The law should stand by it since no ethical aspects have been hampered in the process. This particular rule holds immense relevance in the current times in Australia. It discourages business undertakings to manipulate their books of accounts to have an additional advantage. It even provides the legal right to function a business activity in a truthful manner (Schmitt, 2015). It encourages businesses to use ethical means to strengthen their financial performance instead of altering their books of accounts. Since this principle encourages individuals as well as businesses to operate efficiently it is a valuable case that makes the contribution to the taxation system of Australia. Logging company scenario In the presented situation, Bill has a large parcel of land on which there are numerous tall pine trees. He intends to use it for grazing sheep and so he wants to have it cleared. A particular logging firm is showing its willingness to pay him $1,000 for every 100 meters of the timber that they can take from the land. The first and foremost question that arises in the situation is whether the tax laws are applicable or not for Bill for the money that he would be receiving from the logging business (Thomson, 2015). The given circumstances in the question do not throw light on the fact that whether the receipts that he would receive from the firm could be considered as revenue receipts or not. This high degree of uncertainty shows that the rules relating to the capital gains taxes do not apply to Bills specific situation. If Bill would receive a significant amount of money of $ 50,000 from the logging business to remove the pine trees from his yard, the same amount would be considered as a capital receipt for Bill. The very reason for such treatment is the large value of the finance and the lack of recurring receipts in the situation. In this situation, relevant tax rules would apply to Bill. Thus the nature of the financial transaction between parties has a significant impact on the applicable taxation laws (Wallace, 2015). So in the mentioned scenarios, the value of the finance involved has a significant impact on the application of taxation law. In the former instance, Bill would be receiving smaller and repeated payments from the logging firm while in the latter situation; he would be receiving a financial figure in bulk and the receipt would be one-time in nature (Scheuer Werning, 2017). As per the taxation law, when one party is involved in a sales transaction for a specific consideration, the receipt received in the situation is considered to be a capital one and thus it is taxable in the eyes of law. In the first scenario, the taxation would be charged at normal tax rates and they would not be treated as capital gains for Bill. References Andreas, O. and Markus, H., 2014. Taxation of income from domestic and cross-border collective investment. Barseghyan, L. and Coate, S., 2016. Property Taxation, Zoning, and Efficiency in a Dynamic Tiebout Model.American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,8(3), pp.1-38. Becker, J., 2015. The Relation of Article 9 Paragraph 1 German Double Taxation Treaties to Domestic Tax Law and the Consequences for Current Value Depreciation under Section 1 Paragraph 1: Foreign Tax Act.Intertax,43(10), pp.589-594. Becker, J., Reimer, E. and Rust, A., 2015.Klaus Vogel on Double Taxation Conventions. Kluwer Law International. Bernheim, B.D. and Scheuer, F., 2014. ECON 242: PUBLIC FINANCE AND TAXATION II. Brownlee, W.E., 2016.Federal Taxation in America. Cambridge University Press. Drautzburg, T. and Uhlig, H., 2015. Fiscal stimulus and distortionary taxation.Review of Economic Dynamics,18(4), pp.894-920. Griffith, R., Miller, H. and O'Connell, M., 2014. Ownership of intellectual property and corporate taxation.Journal of Public Economics,112, pp.12-23. Henneman, J.B., 2015.Royal Taxation in Fourteenth-Century France: The Development of War Financing, 1322-1359. Princeton University Press. Jaimovich, N. and Rebelo, S., 2017. Nonlinear effects of taxation on growth.Journal of Political Economy,125(1), pp.265-291. Piketty, T., Saez, E. and Stantcheva, S., 2014. Optimal taxation of top labor incomes: A tale of three elasticities.American economic journal: economic policy,6(1), pp.230-271. Pomeranz, D., 2015. No taxation without information: Deterrence and self-enforcement in the value added tax.The American economic review,105(8), pp.2539-2569. Scheuer, F. and Werning, I., 2017. The taxation of superstars.The Quarterly Journal of Economics,132(1), pp.211-270. Schmitt, N., 2015. Social Norms or Income TaxationWhat drives a Couples Labor Supply? Experimental Evidence.Norma, (2/13). Thomson, W., 2015. Axiomatic and game-theoretic analysis of bankruptcy and taxation problems: an update.Mathematical Social Sciences,74, pp.41-59. Wallace, S.L., 2015.Taxation in Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian. Princeton University Press.
Taxation Egypt From Augustus To Diocletian â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Taxation Egypt From Augustus To Diocletian? Answer: Introducation The capital gain or loss that is incurred by an individual needs to be clearly understood in any given scenario to ascertain his or her financial position. In the presented scenario, in the past 1 year Eric has acquired a number of assets such as an antique vase, an antique chair, a painting, a home sound system, and shares in a listed company for different prices. And last week he has sold the same at specific rates. Based on the provided details in the question, the assets were with him for less than a year. As per theory, when a capital asset is sold, the difference between the cost price of the asset and the amount realized from the sale refers to capital gain or capital loss. The capital gain or capital loss can be classified into long-term or short-term based on the time period for which it was held by an individual. If an asset is held for more than 12 months or 1 year, the capital gain or loss is said to be long-term in nature (Andreas Markus, 2014). Whereas if the asset is held for one year or less than a year, the capital gain or loss can be termed as short-term in nature. In the presented situation, Eric has been holding the assets since the past 12 months so his net capital gain or net capital loss for the year would be short-term in nature (Barseghyan Coate, 2016). Classification of Erics assets The assets that Eric had in the last year can be categorized into two types namely assets that are intended for his personal use and collectibles. The assets that are intended for ones personal use are the ones that an individual purchases for his own satisfaction and happiness. Out of the assets that were previously acquired by Eric, the home sound system and the shares of the listed company belong to this asset category (Becker, 2015). Collectible can be defined as the asset of limited quantity but whose value is significant. Mostly it includes antiques. The assets that Eric previously possessed and sold in the past week like antique vase, antique chair, and painting can be categorized under collectibles. Thus in the given scenario, to arrive at the net capital gain or net capital loss of Eric, the sale proceeds have to be deducted from the capital value of the same. Assets Cost of Assets Capital Proceeds of Assets Difference Net Capital Gain/ (Net Capital Loss) Antique Vase 2,000 3,000 1,000 Gain Antique Chair 3,000 1,000 -2,000 Loss Painting 9,000 1,000 -8,000 Loss Home Sound System 12,000 11,000 -1,000 Loss Shares in listed company 5,000 20,000 15,000 Gain Total 31,000 36,000 Net Capital Gain/Loss 5,000 Total Net Capital Gain Hence Eric has had capital gain while selling the antique vase and shares of the listed company. The gain together comes to Rs 16,000 /- While selling the other assets like an antique chair, painting, and home sound system, he has incurred a loss of Rs (11,000) /-. Hence the net capital gain that he has gained after the sale process comes to Rs 5,000 /-. As per the tax laws, the assets for personal use have been sold for over $ 10,000, thus the taxability rules relating to capital gains will be charged on them. Similarly, each collectible item has been sold for over $ 500 so the taxability rules relating to capital gains will be charged (Becker, Reimer Rust, 2015). Calculation of Brians taxable value of the fringe benefits for the 2016/17 FBT year: In the given scenario, Brians employer has given him $ 1 million as a three-year loan at the special interest rate of 1% p.a. which is to be repaid on a monthly basis. This particular loan scheme comes under the scope of loan fringe benefits that an employee receives from an employer (Bernheim Scheuer, 2014). That is the reason the rate of interest that has been charged is lower than that of the current market loan interest rate. For the proper and accurate computation of Brians taxable value of the fringe benefit, the current statutory rate of interest needs to be taken into consideration (Brownlee, 2016). Since the particular loan was offered in 2016, April 1st, the applicable statutory interest rate would be 5.65%. In order to calculate the taxable value of Brians fringe benefits for 2016/17 FBT year, the following process will have to be followed. In the initial stage, the loan fringe benefit must be ascertained after eliminating the deductible rule. So the actual interest (i.e. at 1.00%) must be deducted from the statutory interest (i.e. at 5.65%). Interest value (statutory interest rate of 5.65%) = $10,00,000 * 5.65% = $ 56,500 Interest value (actual interest rate of 1.00%) = = $10,00,000 * 1.00% = $ 10,000 Thus the taxable value is the difference between the above two interest figures: $ 56,500 - $ 10,000 = $ 46,500 At this stage, Brian has to calculate the interest on the basis of the statutory interest rate i.e. 5.65%. He must assume that this arrived figure is the real interest amount that is payable by him. The interest value based on the statutory interest rate = $ 10,00,000 * 5.65% = $ 56,500 As per the question, Brian has utilized 40% of the borrowed funds for income-producing purposes and met all his obligations relating to the interest payments. So now he must calculate the tax-deductible interest expense. The hypothetical situation relating to statutory interest rate is considered: $ 56,500 * 40% = $ 22,600. Now Brian needs to ascertain the actual tax-deductible interest expense: $ 10,000 * 40% = $ 4,000. The actual tax-deductible interest expense calculated by Brian must be subtracted from the hypothetical value: $ 22,600 - $ 4,000 = $ 18,600 The final taxable value of the fringe benefits of Brian must be arrived at this stage by deducting the value of the 1st process by that of the 5th process: $ 46,500 - $ 18,600 = $ 27,900 If this interest value had to be paid by Brian at the time of the termination of the loan, instead of the monthly repayment scheme, then the specific period of the loan has to be assumed from the particular time when the interest would be payable or paid by him (Drautzburg Uhlig, 2015). If Brian would have no responsibility to repay the loan interest then the same computation model would be adopted but the interest rate would be considered as 0%. Allocation of loss on property for tax purposes In the particular property backdrop, Jack and Jill have borrowed some financial resources to rent and use it as joint tenants. As per the written agreement between the couple, Jack is eligible to receive 10% of the profits from the property whereas Jill is entitled to receive 90% of the profits from the property. As per the stated agreement, in case of loss, Jack has to bear the entire 100% of the loss (Griffith, Miller O'Connell, 2014). Thus last year when they have sustained a loss of $ 10,000, Jack has to bear the entire burden of such loss Jill will not be having any financial obligation towards this loss. This loss of Jack can be set off with the other forms of income of Jack so that he can determine his net profit or loss of the year. He has one more option in hand i.e. to carry forward the loss for the following years (Henneman, 2015). If the couple decides to sell off the property, the subsequent gain or loss from it would be available for them. In case there is a loss from the specific transaction, the same has to be incurred by Jack and he has the entire right to carry it forward in the future years or use it in the very year to ascertain his total net profit or loss. Similarly, in case of gain, the particular amount must be distributed between Jack and Jill in the exact proportion that has been stated in the written agreement (Jaimovich Rebelo, 2017). The ratio decided by the couple for sharing of profits is 1:9 where Jack receives one portion of the profits and Jill receives nine portions of the profit. Jack has the complete right and authority to set off the particular loss against the gain that they would earn by selling of the property. Thus it can be concluded that Jack is in a position where he has the authority to treat the loss from the property as per his convenience and need. He could set of this loss from the property if he would gain from selling the same (Piketty, Saez Stantcheva, 2014). If Jack has no gains in the current year then the loss must be borne by him while his wife would not have any obligation towards the loss from the property. The treatment of tax would be insignificant for Jill whereas Jack would have to record such loss in his books of accounts. Principle established inIRC v Duke of Westminster[1936] AC 1 The particular case relating to IRC v Duke of Westminster[1936] is a popular case that has come under limelight due to the particular tax avoidance situation. After referring the case, it can be clearly stated that every individual is righteously entitled to utilize his or her legal rights and benefits to help him minimize his tax that is attached to his total income earned during the year. In laymans language, it can be stated that if a person adopts fair and legal methods to reduce his total income value and thus reduce his tax value, the Commissioners of Inland Revenue have no power and authority to compel a taxpayer to pay a higher tax amount (Pomeranz, 2015). This particular model is applicable only when a taxpayer uses the fair and honest methods to reduce the amount of tax that is supposed to be paid by him. Fair tools and techniques must be adopted by him in order to reduce his gross income at the end of the year with the purpose to decrease his tax payable amount. The case is one of the best examples that add value to the taxation model and acts like a breath of fresh air for honest taxpayers. The particular legal case covers various areas including every person who adopts fair strategic methods to manage his books of accounts has the right to take legal assistance to decrease his total income value (Scheuer Werning, 2017). If the ethical and moral principals are in place and they have not been altered, the person cannot be forced to pay further tax in the process. The use of legal mode by the person strengthens his position in the eyes of the law. So no authority can question the validity of the persons method since he has the legal backing. When the particular case was stated in front of the judge, he stated that the effective use of the legal model by an individual to lower his income is a fair technique. The law should stand by it since no ethical aspects have been hampered in the process. This particular rule holds immense relevance in the current times in Australia. It discourages business undertakings to manipulate their books of accounts to have an additional advantage. It even provides the legal right to function a business activity in a truthful manner (Schmitt, 2015). It encourages businesses to use ethical means to strengthen their financial performance instead of altering their books of accounts. Since this principle encourages individuals as well as businesses to operate efficiently it is a valuable case that makes the contribution to the taxation system of Australia. Logging company scenario In the presented situation, Bill has a large parcel of land on which there are numerous tall pine trees. He intends to use it for grazing sheep and so he wants to have it cleared. A particular logging firm is showing its willingness to pay him $1,000 for every 100 meters of the timber that they can take from the land. The first and foremost question that arises in the situation is whether the tax laws are applicable or not for Bill for the money that he would be receiving from the logging business (Thomson, 2015). The given circumstances in the question do not throw light on the fact that whether the receipts that he would receive from the firm could be considered as revenue receipts or not. This high degree of uncertainty shows that the rules relating to the capital gains taxes do not apply to Bills specific situation. If Bill would receive a significant amount of money of $ 50,000 from the logging business to remove the pine trees from his yard, the same amount would be considered as a capital receipt for Bill. The very reason for such treatment is the large value of the finance and the lack of recurring receipts in the situation. In this situation, relevant tax rules would apply to Bill. Thus the nature of the financial transaction between parties has a significant impact on the applicable taxation laws (Wallace, 2015). So in the mentioned scenarios, the value of the finance involved has a significant impact on the application of taxation law. In the former instance, Bill would be receiving smaller and repeated payments from the logging firm while in the latter situation; he would be receiving a financial figure in bulk and the receipt would be one-time in nature (Scheuer Werning, 2017). As per the taxation law, when one party is involved in a sales transaction for a specific consideration, the receipt received in the situation is considered to be a capital one and thus it is taxable in the eyes of law. In the first scenario, the taxation would be charged at normal tax rates and they would not be treated as capital gains for Bill. References Andreas, O. and Markus, H., 2014. Taxation of income from domestic and cross-border collective investment. Barseghyan, L. and Coate, S., 2016. Property Taxation, Zoning, and Efficiency in a Dynamic Tiebout Model.American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,8(3), pp.1-38. Becker, J., 2015. The Relation of Article 9 Paragraph 1 German Double Taxation Treaties to Domestic Tax Law and the Consequences for Current Value Depreciation under Section 1 Paragraph 1: Foreign Tax Act.Intertax,43(10), pp.589-594. Becker, J., Reimer, E. and Rust, A., 2015.Klaus Vogel on Double Taxation Conventions. Kluwer Law International. Bernheim, B.D. and Scheuer, F., 2014. ECON 242: PUBLIC FINANCE AND TAXATION II. Brownlee, W.E., 2016.Federal Taxation in America. Cambridge University Press. Drautzburg, T. and Uhlig, H., 2015. Fiscal stimulus and distortionary taxation.Review of Economic Dynamics,18(4), pp.894-920. Griffith, R., Miller, H. and O'Connell, M., 2014. Ownership of intellectual property and corporate taxation.Journal of Public Economics,112, pp.12-23. Henneman, J.B., 2015.Royal Taxation in Fourteenth-Century France: The Development of War Financing, 1322-1359. Princeton University Press. Jaimovich, N. and Rebelo, S., 2017. Nonlinear effects of taxation on growth.Journal of Political Economy,125(1), pp.265-291. Piketty, T., Saez, E. and Stantcheva, S., 2014. Optimal taxation of top labor incomes: A tale of three elasticities.American economic journal: economic policy,6(1), pp.230-271. Pomeranz, D., 2015. No taxation without information: Deterrence and self-enforcement in the value added tax.The American economic review,105(8), pp.2539-2569. Scheuer, F. and Werning, I., 2017. The taxation of superstars.The Quarterly Journal of Economics,132(1), pp.211-270. Schmitt, N., 2015. Social Norms or Income TaxationWhat drives a Couples Labor Supply? Experimental Evidence.Norma, (2/13). Thomson, W., 2015. Axiomatic and game-theoretic analysis of bankruptcy and taxation problems: an update.Mathematical Social Sciences,74, pp.41-59. Wallace, S.L., 2015.Taxation in Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian. Princeton University Press.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Religion Impact on the International Political Scene
Religion is a phenomenon that has a great impact on human society. Religion is an aspect that has facilitated changes in families, relationships, communities, and political lives. Religion affects human beliefs and values and triggers them to behave in a certain manner. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Religion Impact on the International Political Scene specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Johnstone, religion influences human action as it interprets their experiences based on the underlying religious meanings. Sociologists in this case have studied how religion influences different spheres of human life. In this context, we will review how religion has influenced politics and religious fundamentalism. In addition, we will review how social classes and gender differences influence religious expression. Many religious studies have concerned themselves with secularization. They study how secular instit utions such as politics affect society. The relationship that exists between religion and politics presents itself in speeches, roundtables, and congregations all across the globe. According to Christian, religion relates to politics in more than one way. It has affected political circles by bringing about legitimacy in different regimes. It has also triggered social changes by facilitating understanding in justice systems. However, the relationships that exist between the two social institutions depend on the content and level of the political system and religion. The two social institutions comprise of various subgroups of people who follow certain norms (17). The functions of the two institutions overlap each other. This brings about a conflict of interest as they both involve same parties. The same parties have expectations in relation to commitment and involvement to their followers. According to Christian, the difference that exists between the two institutions is an aspect o f secularization. The difference between the two has widened with time specifically in the west. For instance, the institutions that were once constituents of religious organizations have separated from the religious groups (15). Religious groups are no longer the providers of health, social welfare, and education. These functions through political influences have become independent. The distinction between secular spheres such as politics and religion results to secularization (Christian 19). According to Putnam, religious fundamentalism is a phenomenon that has influenced international politics as well as events occurring in the 21st century. Religious fundamentalism is a movement that concerns itself with the religious erosion as well as the role of such erosion in society (4). According to Johnstone, religious fundamentalism involves the protection of certain religious contents or protection of norms associated with religion. Advertising Looking for essay on social science s? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Relative to traditions, fundamentalism does not exist to defend its aspects (57). It accepts and re-modifies some of these aspects. Relative to modernity, fundamentalism accommodates some aspects but refuses others. For instance, it accommodates the technological and organizational aspects of modernization. On the other hand, refuses the ideologies of pluralism as well as relativism. Religious fundamentalists believe and view the world as an avenue of light and darkness. They believe that they represent the light. They also believe that their world is pure. The world that is outside the group represents darkness. This world accommodates sin and it is contaminated. According to Putnam, religious fundamentalists exist as small sects that do not have connections in politics (9). According to Christian, the social class has an influence on the religious expressions and involvement. On a sociological point of view, the truth-value of religion is not the only factor that entails belonging to a religious group (17).Lower class persons are less likely to associate themselves with religious groups compared to the upper class persons. A survey carried out in the year 2005 revealed that the income of the Baptists compared to the Unitarians was less than two thirds. The Unitarians are a denomination popular among the upper class members of the society. In addition, five percent more Unitarians graduated from college compared to the Baptists. This data reveals that a social class has an impact on a person’s religious affiliation (Christian 19). Gender differences have an influence on the religious expression and affiliation. According to Christian, gender difference exists as a factor that greatly determines a person’s association with religion (16). According to Johnstone, women have a tendency to associate with public as well as private religious practices compared to m en. The magnification of the difference comes about in relation to the age, educational status, and religious denomination. Relative to men, college students are skeptical towards religion and belonging to a religious group. On the other hand, men sought spirituality and religion as they advance with age. In other words, men seek religion and spirituality as they mature and take up permanent roles in the society. For example, family oriented roles trigger men to seek religion and spirituality. In conclusion, it is important that we acknowledge the impact religion has on the international political scene. Religion has become the basis of most conflicts both at the local and international scene. Religion is a tool that fuels hatred and facilitates violence when exploited maliciously. Usually, this involves protection of political interests. Here, religion and politics integrate to form destructive tools of violence and distraction.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Religion Impact on the International Political Scene specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Christian, Smith. Souls in Transition: The Religions and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Print. Johnstone, Ronald. Religion in Society, Sociology of Religion. Pearson: Prentice-Hall, 2007. Print. Putnam, Robert. American Grace. How Religion Divides and Unites Us. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010. Print. This essay on The Religion Impact on the International Political Scene was written and submitted by user Fabian M. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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