Monday, January 27, 2020
The Countrys Of Production Possibility Curve Economics Essay
The Countrys Of Production Possibility Curve Economics Essay (B) Assuming that the country is currently producing 40 units of goods and 70 units of services , what is opportunity cost of producing another 10 units of goods? 70-65=5units services opportunity cost (C)Explain how the figures illustrate the principle of increasing opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is the best alternative give up for the chosen option. This means without cost cannot make any decision. It also can describe as relation between choices and scarcity. The scarcity is come from factor of production is include labour, land capital and entrepreneur because it is limited resource. Therefore, we need make a choice to get a good product and giving up other product to fulfill. In the figure 1.1, company produces services and goods. In point A order to produce 80 units of services and the goods is 0 units, because the company must use all their resource in producing services. The company produces 10 units of goods and 79 units of services. The increase of goods is 10 units therefore company need to give up 1 unit of services to produce goods because no enough resource to make it. In point b, if the company wants to produce 40 unit of goods, the company could only produce 70 units of services due to the scarcity of resource. In point C, the company has already utilized all the resources in produce 100 units of goods, therefore, the company will have no other resource to produce services in the market. According to figure 1.1, point A, B, and C are the most efficiency allocation of resource in production possibility curve. Point G and F are not efficiency allocation of resource. Point G is the impossible points to produce the output, because the company didnt have enough resource such as labour, land, capital and entrepreneur to produce output. Point F is a wastage of resource, because the company no plan well. For example, Samsung Company produces LCD television and radio. When each additional produce LCD television, Samsung Company will give up produce radio and increase the sales of LCD television, because the resources are limited. When the Samsung Company used all resource to produce LCD television, Samsung Company fully give up produce radio. When increasing produce 10 units of LCD television, Samsung Company will decrease 10 units of radio for the additional producing 10 units of LCD television. So, the opportunity cost is 10 units of radio. (D)Now assume that technical progress leads to a per cent increase in the output of goods for any given amount of resources. Draw the new production possibility curve. How has the opportunity cost of producing extra units of services altered? Table goods and services: Units of goods 0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 Units of services 80 79 77 74 70 65 58 48 35 19 0 In the figure 1.2, company increase 10 per cent in the output of goods. If the company utilized all the resources to produce goods, maximum units of goods can been produce increase to 110 units. When the company increases producing units of services from 0 to 19 units, units of goods can be produce decrease from 110 to 99 units. That means, the opportunity cost is 11 (110-99=11). While the company increases producing units of services from 19 to 35 units, units of goods can be produce decrease from 99 to 88 units because the resource not enough to produce more than that amount of goods and the rest. That means, opportunity cost is 11 (99-88=11). From the figure 1.2, the opportunity cost of producing extra units of services is constants at 11 units. Example, Sony Company produces camera and android hand phone. In long term, market have potential to increase the unit android phone ,therefore each additional produce android, Sony Company will give up produce camera and increase to produce of android hand phone , because the factor of production are limited. According to NEXUS PRO ECONOMI ASAS by Theng Kock Leing, the opportunity cost can be defined which 2 alternative goods and services when each goods produce must give up some services. 2(A) What are the equilibrium price and quantity? Equilibrium price: RM5 Equilibrium quantity: 12 millions (B)Assume that changes in fashion cause the demand for t-shirts to rise by 4 million at each price. What will be the new equilibrium price and quantity? Has equilibrium quantity risen as much the rise in demand? Explain why or why not. Demand is defined as a consumer desires to own and willingness to buy some goods and services at suitable price and time. Demand also can define as a consumer willing buy and pay for the goods and services. Willingness to get some goods and services without the ability to pay not defined as demand. For example, MR LEE want to buy Proton Saga but he dont have ability to pay the money therefore this is calling willingness not call demand. On the other hand, if MR LEE has the ability to pay the price of car then the willingness MR LEE will become demand. Supply is defined as quantity of goods and services willingness and ability to supply or produce by firm at a suitable price and time set by the consumer. Price will affect quantity supply by consumer because different price will supply different quantity. Supply goods and services will affect by certain period of time. When the changed of certain period of time, supply of goods and services will be changed. According to law of demand, while the price of goods and services increase will affect the quantity of demand decrease assume Ceteris Paribus. On the other hand, the price of goods and services decrease will affect the quantity of demand increase therefore the relationship of price and quantity is negative. According law of supply, while the price of goods and services increase will affect the quantity of supply decrease assume Ceteris Paribus. On the other hand, the price of goods and services decrease will affect the quantity of supply increase therefore the relationship of price is positive. When the demand for t-shirts rise by 4 million, the new equilibrium price is RM6 and the new equilibrium quantity are 14 units. The equilibrium quantity is rise to 14 units from 12 units as rise in demand. When quantity of demand t-shirts rise 4 million, the quantity demand curve shift to right with the quantity supply fix. With the increasing in quantity demand, quantity demand is more that quantity supply at the equilibrium price at RM5. The firm will increase the price of t-shirts from RM5 to RM6 to decrease the excess demand. The new equilibrium will achieve at price RM6 and quantity 14 units of t-shirts. With the quantity supply fix and the changing of quantity demand will make the price and quantity change. As the conclusion, the initial equilibrium price RM5 will change to RM6 and the equilibrium quantity increase from 12 units to 14 units as the increase quantity demand. (C) Now plot the data in the table and mark the equilibrium. Also plot the new data corresponding to (B) Price(RM) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Quantity demanded 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Quantity supplied 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 New quantity of demand Price(RM) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Quantity demanded 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Quantity supplied 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Friendship Through the Years :: Friendship Essay Personal Narrative
Friendship Through the Years Two sets of twins live in the house cattycorner to mine. All four are girls, and all four are in diapers. The oldest set of twins, Michelle and Caitlin, are my age, and we quickly become playmates. Caitlin has striking red hair that drapes the bottom of her shoulder blades. She is so outgoing she would chat with a hobo on the street if her mother were not there to stop her. Michelle, on the other hand, is quieter and more reserved. She is an inch or two shorter than the kids her age, and lacks the confidence that dominates her sister's personality. She clings to me. Her shy personality coincides with my bold and adventurous one. She willingly becomes my sidekick, and joins me in numerous neighborhood adventures. We travel the grassy plains, and trek across the muddy rivers, stopping only for the occasional diaper change, and the pacifiers that fall behind. Our friendship is uncommon, exciting, and pure, but I am too young to treasure this rare gift that God has given me. It is first grade, and not has much changed. Michelle's short stature has only grown more apparent, and the increasing number of people surrounding her has become overwhelming. She clutches onto me, too afraid to meet her taller, bolder classmates. At recess, Michelle and I select the multicolor u's that link together to make chains. We plop ourselves down on the gray, matted carpet and begin to make necklaces and bracelets. Something makes us chuckle, and before you know it we are grabbing at our sides with laughter pains. Michelle laughs so hard that she pees all over our beautiful creations that we, and the classroom, left on the floor. Her angelic smile turns immediately into an expressionless stare. I look into her puppy eyes and watch tear after tear streak down her cheeks into the pee that surrounds her. I want to take that pain away from her. I want all those small, watchful eyes in the class to glare at me instead of innocent little Michelle. It is sixth grade and the Green Springs Special Chorus, which Michelle and I are a part of, is going to the junior high school to sing. Our choir is singing seventies music, and we are required to wear seventies clothes. Michelle and I are matching from head to toe. Our attire consists of blue felt poodle skirts, white shirts, black scarves, and starch-white Ked's shoes.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Dante s Daughter
Their family is then forced to leave their home town of Florence Italy by the co instant dueling of political groups in the cities, between the white Gulfs, who opposed the p papacy influence and the black Gulfs, who supported the papacy. Dante, her father, also a white Gulf supporter, went to Rome on â€Å"business†to see Pope Boniface VIII, when the black Gulfs take over the CIA TTY, the Aligner family knew that they had to escape the city in fear that they would all be killed by ca use of Dent's political standing and the fact that he was not present in Florence.Antonio was to fool w her brothers out of the city and their mother would meet them later, they had to run out of the city, s he saw many gruesome events of war while she was fleeing the city, she saw the true chaos that came from people during times of war. Their family had to disperse amongst their relatives and some of her b rooters even went away to become apprentices Gina went to their Uncle Francesco, while P itter and Jackpot became ablates with the Dominicans at Santa Maria.As for Antonio she went to stay and help with her father's sister, Deviant, and her family, Disco her uncle who was a painter, and her cousins Margarita and Foe in Siena. As for her mother, she had went to work on her mother's farms. Antonio lived with her aunt and uncle for nearly five years. Her mother visited her as often as she could. She worked along with Disco in his shop learning to paint, and hell peed out with the housework with Deviant, Margarita and Lecturer, Disco's sister. She had SSH eared a bed with Margarita who was only a couple of years older than her and got to know he r real well.One day Notation's father sends a letter to her, inviting her to come along with him to P arise France since he will e studying at the university there, he already offered her brothers to come w tit but they could not. Shortly after Antonio receives the letter her father. Dante arrived so soon that Antonio had barely got ten to make up her mind, but she decided to go along with her father on this DVD endure. Through their travels Antonio gets a new understanding of her father. Antonio along with he r inattentive father travel from city to city spending their nights in either inns or with nobles, in their cash tiles. Pond their arrival to Paris, Dante immediately goes to into his studies in search h of new knowledge, while in the first couple of days Antonio is just sitting around the an. Eventually, Antonio met up with an old friend of her fathers, at a Beguine, a community of sings e women living under Nun like conditions but could work to make a living and could break free of an y vows and leave if they like. Antonio decided to stay with the women of the Beguine while her father r studied at the university.The three ladies Antonio stayed with, Claire, Mated, and Assess, worked as illumination, an art form done to liven up a page of a book or a document, Antonio helped with her prior knowledge f pa inting. Events quickly went downhill for the group of girls, Assess died, and later her mother Claire. As for Antonio, Dante decided that the knowledge he had sought, could d not be obtained at the University and they decided to head back to Italy. Antonio had returned to Siena to stay with her Uncle Disco's family again, who ill Dante had left her to work with the emperor of Germany and Italy.Disco was on a new commission that had made them much wealthier, and of course everyone was much older than the y were previously. Margarita was soon to be engaged with Pitter, and Antonio had also begun t experience her share of romantic relationships, first with Seeing a loving apprentice to Disco, then Tit ere to Farina, a young man who lived in Florence, when she had moved there to live with her mother r and uncle. Yet neither one worked out, she left Siena forgetting about Seeing, and when the emperor r failed at capturing Florence, the Aligner name meant little and was hated in Florence, so Farina a didn't want to marry her.Notation's Family was reunited and continued to live on in a house of their owe n in Vienna. Antonio struggled with what the true meaning of her life was to be with god. S he had gotten malaria, which she was lucky enough to surpass. Imbroglio, on of her best friends fro m back in Siena had came to visit her in her State Of illness and wanted to marry her, Antonio agrees and they live happily, until Imbroglio dies of plague. Antonio then decides, knowing her fate, to join the c invent of San Stefan Dogleg Alive.The Historical fiction novel, Dana?s Daughter had gotten many things right with barely any wrongful descriptions, the author, Kimberly Houston surely did their homework. Not only did she write this novel accurately she did it in SST of the different aspects of the book. Whether it was from their lifestyle of different social classes, like what they ate, wore and how they lived, the way they traveled, the events that happened in the time p eriod of the early fourteenth century, their beliefs, and even the fact that most of the characters actually existed in this time period.The author portrayed the lifestyles of the people in the book very realistically. The roles of women in the 1300†² in actuality was to stay home maintain the household, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children, which was the name roles the author portrayed, the mothers of different households always prepared their food and spent the day cleaning and tidying up the house. Younger girls like Antonio in the novel helped with such chores like the laundry. In the novel they did the laundry down at the river which was common in that era (McKay, John P. ). Antonio mother wore a turban when she would clean, which was also accurately explained.Clothing worn by characters was only described for the females, it was always gowns with different colors, always handmade by the mothers of the household, and silk as very dressy and expensive. In histo ry, it was common for families to make their own clothing and women only really wore gowns, silk was of the most valuable cloth in this time frame as well (McKay, John As for the common diet of Italians in the thirteen hundreds, consisted mostly of bread, which was the most important staple of their diet and stews, made of whatever ingredients they could get.Houston wrote about what they would eat, they would always eat bread with olive oil, and Notation's mother would always have the best soups made from the best ingredients she could mind, which would have been correct for the time period and the wealth of the Aligner family. Between the pair of Antonio and Dante, when they were traveling they had a mule and horse, which only the higher class could afford since many poor pilgrims could only travel on foot which was accurate for the time too.The Nobility that Dante and Antonio stayed with also had a very descriptive lifestyle differing from the Aligner family. The upper class lived in large palaces or castles and had feasts very often, in which they ate exotic foods, crayfish, eels in plum sauce, asparagus, cheese tarts, green beans eked in almond milk, roast venison with garlic, partridge stewed with lentils and shallots, chicken cooked with pears and brandy, tiny spring lettuces dressed with olive oil and perceive, junket, strawberry tarts, and many other dishes.The nobility also had the ability to house many subjects they sought useful for their skills. There were two major patrons of Dante, lady Cluenice, and Can Grandee. In history little is known about the true paths Dante had taken, there is no account of him staying with a lady Cluenice, but there is documentation of him staying with Can Grandee for the reason of Can Grandee's interests in the importance and reasoning behind The Divine Comedy, that Dante was writing the evidence is found in the letter that Dante had written to Can Grandee explaining the books (Aligner, Dante).Dante Aligner was a famou s poet in the time period who had written many books the three parts that make up The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Purgatorial, and Paradise, all mentioned in the book plus his writings of other books, and The Banquet, although over fifty poetic works are known from Dante. Antonio was very fascinated by the large structures of the gigantic cathedrals in Paris, mainly Notre dame. She was very intrigued, and found peace amongst its' large mosaics held together by lead.This account was very accurate, Notre dame is famous for its' large mosaics, and it started its construction in 1160 and finished in 1345, well within Notation's lifetime. Kimberly Houston portrayed the lifestyles of different social groups very accurately throughout the novel. There was one common disease that multiple people contracted throughout the happening of the book, and it was malaria, a disease carried by mosquito. Antonio had contracted it, and during the time it was almost a death sentence (McKay, John P. , yet sh e survived through it.Antonio had experienced immense pain and was deathly ill, for a couple of weeks, then would endure eight hour long fevers and intense pain that would go away and return two days later. Antonio went through series of pains much like the actual symptoms which were, headaches, fever, lethargy, chills, abdominal pains, sickness, muscular pains, diarrhea, and coughing fits. Kimberly Houston had shown the symptoms characters were experiencing accurately as they would be in the real world. The common scientific beliefs of people in the novel were also of accurate details in the novel.Accurately for this time, people in the story believed in the Ptolemaic system. Which stated that the heavens rotated on big crystal spheres around the earth. This was the common belief until 1 543, when Copernicus published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, which proved the earth was not at the center Of the universe (McKay, John Many of the events that took place in the book h appened in real life. In the book, King Phillips armies had harried Boniface VII to death, and engineered Clement V into office, and brought the papacy into France.While written accurately, the papacy was stationed in Avignon, France in 1309, in the time frame covered in the book, and in fact it was King Philip IV that that is responsible for both moving the papacy and bringing in a tradition of having French popes. Another event including King Philip IV of France is that there is a scene from the book where the Knights Template and everyone associated with them are being arrested for the Kings' benefit. What the book failed to mention is the reasoning behind Philip Avis' actions and motives of this action.King Philip IV was very much in debt to the Template, whereas in the novel had explained it s the ‘Template were engaged in unnatural and illegal activities offensive to god†¦ †(Houston, Kimberley Burton), which was not true since the Template Were a strictly ran group, by the pope, to be a religious army, but King Philip did have them arrested in real history for his own benefit. The Template, described by Houston, were very large, muscular men, with the knowledge of scholars, which is an accurate description of the way the Knights Template would have been since they were knights.Antonio along with the other women of the Beguine, had done work for the Template illuminating comments, which would have been against the code of the Template to have any contact with women (Temporarily. Com). Another event that took place was the newly elected emperor Henry VII, who in the novel was convinced by Dante Aligner to march on Florence to capture it amongst his empire and to hopefully redeem the Aligner name in Florence, Italy.The holy roman emperor Henry VII of Germany historically had the support of Dante, and did wage war on Romancer since they were part of the Gulfs, both Dante and Henry VII were Gibberellins (McKay, John P). Yet another event tha t occurred in he book happened in Verona, Italy, it was that the palace that Can Grandee lived in was frescoed by an artist named Ghetto, nothing is known of his work in Verona, Ghost's Personality in the book was that he was very enthusiastic and compassionate towards art, he also had a very high pitch girl laugh, Not much is known of his personality although he did work on many frescoes.In addition, the Aligner Family was forced to leave their hometown of Florence by cause of the dueling political parties, the Gibberellins and the Gulfs, which were actual groups at the time which either liked the pope's influence on everything or despised it.Lastly, the fall of Rome to the Byzantines and barbarians who began to construct huge basilicas with large mosaics on the interior, was mentioned towards the latter part of the book, the Byzantines had actually built these large basilicas although it was really the decline of the holy roman empire that brought in these Byzantines and barbarian s to influence Rome (McKay, John The options a women could take throughout their life was described in the book as, if they did not get married, they could use their dowry from their parents to join a convent and become a nun, join a Beguine, or become a requisite.This statement made in the book by Antonio is not completely true, not only could women become housewives, nuns, or prostitutes, but they could also work as servants or join a Beguine. In the book none of the younger people had known about Beguines, and even when Antonio had found out she only thought that they existed in France. Although many of the surviving Beguines exist in Belgium albeit there was one in France, and many of the ancient Beguines had existed on the outskirts of Paris, the Beguine described in the book, sounded like it was nearly in the center OfParis, because it was within a short walking distance to important areas like shops and Dante could be there quickly to visit, plus there were buildings they wen t to on both sides of the Beguine. The tools and procedures used by the different artistic professions were described briefly in the novel, it had listed the linoleum, what processes they would make paints and glues for frames, and the different layers in a fresco. The linoleum was a moon shaped knife meant for preparing parchment by scraping the excess skin and hairs off of pelts.This linoleum knife was actually seed almost exclusively for illuminating because illuminating required a special type of medium to be written on (â€Å"Illumination parchment). Antonio had known the preparation steps to make this parchment from learning it from Disco he uncle, who was an artist, one would take calf skin stretch it out, scrape the excess skin and impurities from it, then split it into separate sheets until of desirable thickness, and then scrape it again with the linoleum to get rid of any shiny surfaces.This process of manufacturing parchment was common through the middle ages and into t he Renaissance (Differences teens Parchment, Vellum and Paper. ). When Disco was working on the Masses;, an actual painting done in sienna by the real Disco (Disco Did Obnoxiousness, Masses; Altarpiece), him and his apprentices, would always be asking for egg whites from the girls to mix with pigments from plants, and asking for cheeses which they would use to make their glues to put together frames. Egg whites were in fact used to make the popular paint tempera during the Renaissance, and so was cheese used inn glues during this time period.The base layers of frescoes described in the novel, by Houston, was Ricoh, and intonation, these were the easiest and required the least artistic ability out of the whole Fresco process, and they were the top finishing layer and the base starting layer (â€Å"Categories Terms†. ). The author had gotten every detail right, when it came to the tools and procedures that had been used in the making of the artwork in the story. The river syste ms as described in the novel were the Aaron River of Florence, and the Adage River of Verona.The Main character Antonio had described the Aaron River as Very muddy and not very navigable whereas the Adage River in Verona was better navigable and as a result had more trade coming in. The Aaron River in Florence has many tributaries which makes it harder to navigate and the Adage River does not making it easier to navigate. In Conclusion, the author, Kimberly Houston, did a very good job in the development of Dent's Daughter. She had gotten about ninety-nine percent of the detail, events and people right in the development of this book.She had made the fiction life of actual characters very accurate and convincing for the time period. She had gotten the tools and procedures for certain artistic jobs right or the time frame, the correct people doing the right events in the right year, correct descriptions of travel and the river ways, the ways certain groups acted, the food they ate, t he clothes they wore, the ideology of the common people, the side effects of malaria, artistic terms, and even the existence Of certain characters and their connection in history.
Friday, January 3, 2020
False Confession Experiment - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1100 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2018/12/18 Category Psychology Essay Type Research paper Level High school Did you like this example? Research Question The research question in the article, Innocent but Proven Guilty: Eliciting Internalized False Confessions Using Doctored-Video Evidence by Nash and Wade (2008), is: Could fake-video evidence lead people to believe they committed an act they never did? This research question is interesting as it reveals how people may be driven to make false confessions when presented with a fake-video evidence (Nash Wade, 2008). It further shows that the criminal justice system may be apprehending people, who have made false confessions, and deeming them guilty of actions they have not committed. The real criminals are left free to continue to commit more criminal offences. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "False Confession Experiment" essay for you Create order The research questions, therefore, attempts to investigate the probability and possibilities of people being proven guilty based on fabricated evidences. Introduction Research conducted by several scholars has indicated that most innocent people are proven guilty for criminal offences they did not commit. Such people end up behind bars serving time for offences they were not part of. Fake evidence is the main contributing factor to innocent people being locked in prisons. Fake evidence, such as fake eyewitness testimonies and fake-video evidence, pushes innocent people to make false confessions. With the advances in technology, more sophisticated and affordable computers, digital machines, and desk-top video editing machines have become more popular. These digital devices have also made it easier for people to recreate past events and use them against other people. When people view these videos, they are forced to believe that they were part and parcel of past criminal offences. The implication is false confessions by these people. Fake eyewitnesses may also convince people that they are guilty of committing various crimes through their fake testi monies. Fake eyewitnesses may also convince these people by suggesting that there are videos, which recorded them committing the criminal offences. As a result, these innocent people end up making false confessions. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how fake-video evidences make people to believe they committed an act they never did. Methodology The researchers, Nash and Wade, compared between fake-video evidence and fake eyewitness testimonies in order to illustrate whether fake-video evidence could lead people to believe they committed a criminal offence they never did before. The researchers, further, employed a metacognitive model, which helped them to make a clear comparison. Three tests were also conducted (Nash Wade, 2008). These tests include investigating whether fake-video evidence generated more false confessions that fake eyewitness evidence, find out a new model for examining the impact of fake evidence on false confessions, and to collect data on cognitive forces. The task the subjects performed is likely to be very important but the exact nature of their stimuli is not. Results The main findings of the research were that the participants believed to have committed criminal offences when presented with false evidence. 93% of the total subjects internalized and signed the confessions forms. 87% out of the 93% signed the confession papers on the first request while 7% signed after the second request. In experiment one and two, 67% and 73% of the subjects believed they committed the criminal offences after viewing the fake-video evidences (Nash Wade, 2008). On the other side, experiment one and two showed that 60% and 13% of the subjects respectively made false confessions when presented with fake eyewitness evidence. These figures answer the research questions by suggesting that there is a high likelihood of people making false confessions when presented with fake-video evidences. Implications Nash and Wade found out that fake-video evidences produced false confessions from innocent people. The implication of the experiments is that most of the subjects believed that the main aim of the research was to investigate their gambling habits and not false confessions, compliance issues, and memory distortions among many others. This reveals how the topic on false confessions is not always a product of the many experiments that are often conducted by scholars. An effective model should, therefore, be developed to deal with the fabricated evidence presented to innocent people. Future research should be carried out to find the frequency of fake-evidence videos resulting into false confessions. The impacts of the fake-video confessions on false confessions should be investigated. Lastly, effective strategies should be researched to get rid of the fake-video evidences and fake eyewitness evidences in order to prevent the justice system from apprehending the wrong people. Critique In my opinion, the article, Innocent but Proven Guilty: Eliciting Internalized False Confessions Using Doctored-Video Evidence by Nash and Wade (2008), is very resourceful how fake-video evidences results into false confessions. The research design of the article makes sense. The research design was also perfect for answering the research question. No other research design could be used to answer the research question. I would involve the criminal justice officials in further experiments. The criminal justice officials, such as criminal detectives, could be used to convey the fake evidences. Such an experiment would show whether the frequency of fake-video evidence and fake eyewitness evidences in producing false confessions would be equal or not. An example of such an experiment with a similar research question was conducted recently by Frances Chapman in 2006 in his article, Coerced Internalized False Confessions and Police Interrogations: The Power of Coercion. Frances Chapman con ducted a research on how people fall victims of coerced internalized false confessions. In his experiment, Frances investigated how police interrogations resulted into coerced internalized false confessions. He further investigated the Billy Wayne Cope case in order to come up with a conclusive argument. The article by Frances Chapman (2006) is similar to Nash and Wades article (2008) as it attempts to point out how the criminal justice system or rather the legal system apprehends people on the basis of false evidence. France shows how the interrogators use fake-video evidences and fake eyewitness evidences to convince their suspects of taking part in various criminal offences. Both articles show how the suspects are made to believe that their lack of memory brought about by alcohol, stress, and blackout may have driven them to forget their involvement in certain criminal offences. Conclusion In conclusion, fake-video evidence results into coerced internalized false confessions. Human beings are made to believe that they committed various criminal offences even when they never did. Fake-video evidences and fake eyewitness evidence are the main contributors of innocent people being proven guilty. However, Nash and Wade reveal in their article, Innocent but Proven Guilty: Eliciting Internalized False Confessions Using Doctored-Video Evidence (2008), that the frequency of fake-video evidence resulting into false confessions is higher compared to the fake eyewitness evidences. References Robert Nash Kimberley Wade. (2008). Innocent but Proven Guilty: Eliciting Internalized False Confessions Using Doctored-Video Evidence, John Wiley Sons, Ltd, 1-28.
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